Brow transplantation in Turkey

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Getting the eyebrows you've always wanted has never been easier. as simple asit is today. Indeed, there are several techniques to get the desired eyebrows. Among these methods, we find the eyebrow transplant. This is a procedure simple thanks to which, you can have eyebrows according to your tastes and the characteristics of your your face.

By choosing to have your brow transplant in Turkey, the medical specialists will help you create a design adapted to your face type, as well as your needs.

What is an eyebrow transplant?

The eyebrow transplant is an aesthetic procedure during in which hair grafts (plugs) are transferred onto the area of your eyebrows. The objective of this procedure is to new hair grows from these transplants, producing a natural and more complete appearance.

What are the main benefits of an eyebrow transplant? up down

The eyebrow transplant procedure presents the following benefits:

  • Soften the facial expression
  • Outpatient procedure
  • Mini-invasive procedure
  • Nearly painless procedure
  • Provides a more sophisticated look to the face
  • Allows to obtain more symmetry in the face.

How is the eyebrow transplant performed? up down

The procedure for performing a eyebrows in Turkey can be summarized in two steps :


Once the specialists have made a personalized eyebrow design, hair donor is selected, it is extracted from the hair located in the lower part of the the neck because its composition is the one that most similar to the eyebrow area, in in addition to being the area with the best genetic information that resists loss of hair.

The doctor will determine the exact number of follicles and proceed to their individual extraction. As the eyebrow is a small area, only a small amountof minimum amount of hair from the donor will be extracted.


The doctor will start with the graft of follicle. The graft is done with care, hair by hair, to respect the direction of the of growth of the eyebrow. This way, you can get very good results favorable.

The eyebrow transplant procedure is performed under local anesthesia to avoid any discomfort and will only require a follow-up very simple. The doctors will will accompany the consultation evaluation of the healing of the graft and solve all your doubts during the process.

Their vast experience in the realization of eyebrow transplants allowed them to develop a state-of-the-art technique for achieve favorable results based on the needs and tastes of each patient.

What does recovery look like after an eyebrow transplant? up down

The realization of an eyebrow graft in Turkey does not generate side effects in the patient. On the other hand, the care are recommended after the surgery. transplantation:

  • Avoid contact with the treated area during the day and while sleeping night to avoid inflammation;
  • Do not perform activities that require a physical effort on the part of of the patient or high levels of stress and anxiety;
  • Use sunscreen to avoid direct exposure to the sun on the treated area during the first few days days after implantation;
  • To punctually attend the controls assigned by the specialist.

What kind of results should we expect? up down

The results of a brow transplantation in Turkey. are quickly obtained by following Proper postoperativecare indicated by transplant specialists eyebrows. The change of expression of the face will be very noticeable as soon as the first few days after the implant. However, the final results will begin to be perceptible only from the third month.